
How to troubleshoot and how to share logs for better support

Troubleshooting Table

SymptomPotential CausePilot Action

Pilot Pro wont power on

Power on command from tablet not properly received by Pilot Pro

Hold power button to force power on - Hold for 20 seconds for hard reset

Pilot Pro wont power off

Power off command from tablet not properly received by Pilot Pro

Hold power button to force power off

How to share logs with Freefly?

Suppose you encounter a bug with your Pilot Pro and need Freefly support. How can you get quick help from our team? By sharing your Pilot Pro logs with Freefly!

To use this feature, make sure it is enabled by going to Pilot Pro App > ADVANCED and ensure the toggle displays “APP LOGGING ENABLED”. To ensure a bug is properly captured in the logs, logging must have been enabled when the bug occurred.

There are a couple of ways to get logs from your Pilot Pro. Firstly, if you are currently seeing issues with your Pilot Pro, go to Pilot Pro App > ADVANCED, and tap the “SAVE LOG SNAPSHOT” button to ensure your log file for the current session is immediately available to share. The tap will save the log of the current session up to that instant in a timestamped file that has the tag “USER-TRIGGERED” in the log file name. Otherwise, only logs from previous Pilot Pro sessions will be available to share.

To get access to Pilot Pro logs, go to the Pilot Pro App > ADVANCED > OPEN PILOT LOGS. It will open up the logs folder in the My Files app. Sort the logs and select the logs you want to share. You can press and hold on a log file to select it. Remember that if you want to share logs from the current Pilot Pro session, you need to have tapped the “SAVE LOG SNAPSHOT” button, and then you can choose the newest *-USER-TRIGGERED.ulg to share.

To copy the logs to a thumb-drive, insert a USB-C thumb-drive into one of the Pilot Pro USB-C data ports, and then copy over the selected files into the USB-C thumb-drive. Then, you can proceed to emailing over the logs to Freefly Support through your regular PC.

Also, note that the Pilot Pro App will manage storage taken up by the logs to use no more than 3 GB. It will delete the oldest logs to make room for new logs. You can also manually delete the logs from the My Files app. Although, you need to make sure to reboot Pilot Pro if you want to immediately resume logging properly.

Last updated