Switching to Freefly Updater


In December 2023, we have enhanced the app update process for Herelink controllers. Previously, updates were delivered via a full Android system over-the-air (OTA) update, which was time-consuming and required updating the entire system even for a single app. Now, with the Freefly Updater app, you can individually manage updates for each app. This app notifies you of available updates or new apps, allowing you to install the latest versions easily. The Freefly Updater also includes a page to view the status of all your Herelink apps, ensuring you're always up to date. (Please note that an internet connection is required to detect new app versions.)

How to switch to the new system?

Following is a one time process for switching to the Freefly Updater Workflow on Herelink.

Step 1: OTA Update

  • Connect your Herelink to the internet through WiFi.

  • Swipe down from the top of the screen to pull down the Android quick menu.

  • If there are any updates available, you will see them here. Follow the instructions to get your software updated. Alternatively, go to Android Settings > About phone > System Updates.

Step 2: Install Apps

  • After completing the OTA, note that Herelink will no longer have AMC (Auterion Mission Control) and Skyway apps installed.

  • Ensure your Herelink is connected to the internet.

  • Open the new Freefly Updater app, which can be found on your home/launch screen.

  • Once in the Freefly Updater app, either refresh the page or wait a few seconds for it to automatically check for the latest apps.

  • Select the apps you need to install (Auterion Mission Control and Skyway) and proceed to installing them both.

  • Use the refresh button at the top of the page to update the app status if necessary.

Step 3: Finalizing the Installation of Skyway and AMC

  1. Setup Skyway

    • After installing Skyway, open the app at least once. This ensures it will automatically launch in future startups.

    • Remember, both AMC (Auterion Mission Control) and Skyway are necessary to connect to the drone.

  2. Locate and Organize Apps

    • Following installation, you'll likely find the Freefly Updater app and AMC on the Android home screen. If not:

      • Access your app list by tapping the grid icon at the bottom right of the home screen.

      • Find the AMC app icon.

    • To add AMC and Skyway to your Favorites:

      • Tap and hold on the app icon.

      • Select "Add to Favorites" from the pop-up menu.

      • Repeat these steps for the Skyway app.

  3. Enabling Automatic Launch for AMC:

    • If you wish for AMC to open automatically each time you turn on the controller:

      • Tap and hold the AMC app icon.

      • Choose "Enable Launch on Boot" from the pop-up menu.

  4. Herelink controller is now ready for use.

Last updated