Advanced Operation

We recommend clearing out extra photos from your USB drive to reduce the time to sync the USB drive files with the gallery after the drive is first plugged in.

USB Formatting

Precise Control

Precise Gimbal Control

Live Inspection

  • Astro's flight path is displayed with a red line on the map in AMC, which can help you see the area the aircraft has already covered.

  • Live video from the aircraft to the Auterion Suite is possible with a strong LTE connection. Additional information on setting up LTE on Astro is here:

Network and Connectivity
  • The Ventus OGI camera provides a 640x480 infrared image with a 1-8x digital zoom. When approaching an object of interest, we recommend keeping the aircraft a safe distance away and zooming in as much as needed to see the detail level required for inspections.

  • When using Slow Speed Mode, camera tilt and pan are scaled with the zoom rate, so the control inputs become less sensitive the more zoomed the camera is.

Last updated