Updating Firmware
Updating Astro Firmware
You can determine if Astro needs an update by following steps 2-4 below. The current firmware number available will be on the Software Release Notes page.
Download the firmware file from the Astro Support page or the Suite.
Connect Astro to your computer with a USB cable.
Power on aircraft with one battery and wait about 15 seconds for aircraft to fully boot.
Using a browser such as Chrome or Safari, open the aircraft's info/update page at (internet connection is not needed).
In the Update Auterion OS box, click Browse, and select the firmware file downloaded above.
Click Update. (Should take about 10 minutes.)
After the update completion message, verify that the webpage shows a "Release name" that matches the downloaded file and that all the motor LEDs are on.
If the aircraft gives an error message, power cycle the aircraft and try again.
After updating the aircraft, make sure that all apps in the Freefly Updater on your controller are up-to-date.
If Freefly Updater is not installed, follow these instructions.
Checking Astro Firmware Version
Updating Herelink Firmware
As of Astro Version 1.4.6, Herelink is maintained through the Freefly Updater. Instructions on how to install the Freefly Updater can be found here.
Once the Freefly Updater has been installed, it can be used to update AMC and other apps.
How to Reset to Default Astro Parameters
Last updated