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Numbers are maximums from a forward-facing and horizon-leveled position.
A single flight with Astro carrying the Wiris Pro Payload is typically 25-30 minutes. Note that the time presented in AMC is an estimate. The exact time depends on a number of factors such as temperature, air density, wind speed, and direction, as well as the flight profile of the aircraft.
To extend flight times while focusing on a fixed area of interest, consider having Astro orbit around the area. In our testing, Astro is most efficient when orbiting at 7 m/s, rather than hovering. The orbit flight mode can be found by clicking on the map while on the ‘Fly’ screen, then clicking the orbit icon:
A full list of Wiris Pro specifications can be found on Workswell’s website:
Camera Modes
Photos at 640x512p, Video at 640x512p 30 FPS
File Formats
JPEG images
Radiometric TIFF images
Radiometric full-frame IR recording (raw data recording in 30 Hz)
Exposure Modes
Auto, Manual, Custom Incremental
Color Pallets
BlackRed, BlueRed, BWIron, BWIronI, BWRainbow, BWRainbowHC, BWRGB, Fire, Gradient, Gray, GraySlowFade, Iron1, Iron2, Natural, Rainbow, RainbowHC, Sepia, Steps, Temperature, WBRGB
Sensor Resolution (pixels)
640px x 512px
Lens Field of View (degrees)
Wiris Pro Payload ships with a 13mm lens, approximately 45 x 37 degrees FOV (horizontal by vertical).
Camera Modes
Photo are 1920x1080px, video records at 720p 20 FPS
File Formats
JPEG images h.264 (.mp4) video
Focus Mode
Continuous autofocus
Sensor Resolution (pixels)
1920px x 1080px
Sensor Size (mm)
8.46mm (diagonal)
Lens Horizontal Field of View (degrees)
1x zoom → HFOV = 93.5 degrees
1.5x zoom → HFOV = 74.8 degrees
3x zoom → HFOV = 40.6 degrees
6x zoom → HFOV = 21.5 degrees
10x zoom → HFOV = 11.92 degrees
Weight (g)
Astro's maximum payload weight is 1500 grams.
Wiris Pro Payload (including gimbal) is ~940g
Dimensions (mm)
When upright and forward facing, the Wiris Pro payload alone has the maximum outer dimensions as follows: 150(width) x 157(length) x 162(height)
Ingress Protection
Smart Dovetail
Operation Temperature
-20C to +50C
+/- 170°. No continuous pan
52° Left, 92° Right
50° Up, 120° Down