
This page describes the OGI settings.

  • Brightness: Adjusts the brightness of the images. Higher values result in a lighter image.

    • Min: 0 Max: 255 Default: 128

  • Contrast: Adjusts image contrast. Higher values result in more contrast.

    • Min: 0 Max: 255 Default: 128

  • Sharpen: Adjusts the edge sharpening filter to bring out edges within an image. Higher values increase the sharpening effect.

    • Min: 0 Max: 15 Default: 0

  • Denoise: This averages the image over time with image-to-image registration to dampen possible disruptive visual effects such as heat shimmer, scintillation, and turbulence.

    • Min: 0 Max: 255 Default: 0

  • AGC ROI: Adjusts the region of interest (ROI) when performing automatic gain corrections. This percentage controls the percentage of the frame used for AGC. The default performs AGC on the entire frame.

    • Min: 0 Max: 100 Default: 100

  • Manual AGC: This option freezes the current AGC settings.

    • Options:

      • On

      • Off

    • Default: Off

  • Gas Detection: This setting controls gas enhancement mode (GEM), which enhances and colorizes gas detectable by the OGI sensor.

    • Options:

      • On

      • Off

    • Default: Off

  • Stabilization Mode: Enables digital stabilization.

    • Options:

      • On

      • Off

    • Default: Off

  • Enhancement Mode: Two different contrast enhancement modes are available: CLAHE and LAP. Once an enhancement mode is selected, additional settings can be configured to configure it. Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) brings out hard-to-see (low contrast) features in the video, including those with brighter and darker areas.

Local Area Processing (LAP) brings out hard-to-see (low-contrast) features. LAP emphasizes differences from the local image average to provide an increased amount of detail in low-contrast areas of a video or image. The algorithm makes details visible in underexposed or overexposed portions of the image.

  • Strength:

    • In CLAHE, the Strength parameter controls the contrast limit. A larger value allows the algorithm to map a larger contrast but can also tend to bring out more noise.

    • In LAP, the Strength parameter controls the kernel size used in the processing. A larger value provides more enhancement. Values are between 0 (minimal enhancement) and 18 (maximum enhancement). For LAP mode, there are no additional enhancement benefits after 18.

    • Min: 0 Max: 128 Default: 0

  • Alpha Blend: This allows mixing (alpha blending) the output of the enhancement algorithm with the input to the Enhance Stage. This allows a user to soften the effects of the contrast enhancement stage. Higher values blend more of the enhanced image, while lower values use less of it.

    • Min: 0 Max: 1.0 Default: 0.8

  • NUC Table: The OGI has two NUC tables that provide optimum performance for different scene temperature ranges. You may switch between them anytime using the NUC Table radio buttons in WIND Viewer. A shorter integration time is recommended in the overlapping range of 25°C – 40°C (where either table is applicable).

    • Options:

      • Table 0

      • Table 1

    • Default: Table 1

NUC Table
Temperature Range
Integration Time


10 - 40 °C

20 ms


25 - 55 °C

10 ms

  • FFC: The Ventus OGI offers a 1-point FFC (flat field offset correction) using an internal shutter and two 2-point NUC (gain) tables. An FFC should be performed to remove spatial noise and non-uniformities, which may develop as the camera and optics reach a stable operating temperature. Select Run to execute an FFC.

  • Color Palette: Various false-color palettes may be applied to the video.

    • Options:

    • Default: None

Last updated