Emergency Guidance

The emergency procedures listed in this section are the recommended practices for handling the aircraft in the event of an aircraft emergency. This guidance should be considered and applied as necessary.

The risk of an emergency can be reduced substantially through proper aircraft maintenance, by performing thorough inspections before and after all flights, and with careful pre-flight planning.

Emergency situations are dynamic events, and not all conditions or procedures can be anticipated or applied during the event. These procedures are not a substitute for a thorough understanding of aircraft systems and sound pilot judgment.

In general, if an emergency occurs, three basic actions can be applied to most situations:

  1. Maintain aircraft control—Small emergencies can quickly escalate if the pilot is distracted attempting to troubleshoot the problem. Always maintain visual contact with the aircraft during an emergency to reduce the likelihood of losing orientation.

  2. Analyze the situation—Once the aircraft is stabilized, begin to assess the cause of the emergency if practical.

  3. Take appropriate action—In many cases, the appropriate action will be to land the aircraft as soon as possible. Always consider the safety of yourself and others before attempting to save the aircraft in an emergency.

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