Software Release Notes

Firmware Updates

To Update

Trouble updating? Click here!


  • Mōvi Controller update is through its own process.

  • Mōvi subcomponent versions (gcu, tsu, esc) can be found on Mōvi screen under Monitor>Details>Versions

Software Versions

#protip​ - ​Verify all Freefly products are up to date by referencing the chart below to make sure there are no compatibility issues.

For instance, v2.0 GCU is not fully compatible with v1.5 MIMIC. So, if you plan to upgrade to the v2.0 software bundle, ensure all your devices are updated to the versions specified for that bundle.

Software Components
2.3 Software Package

Mōvi Pro GCU












Mōvi Carbon GCU


TSU Inner / Outer

2.2.1 / 1.1.0





Mōvi Pro App iOS




Mōvi Controller



November 2023

This update increases maximum sustained motor torque (Movi Pro and Movi Carbon), adds camera control for Freefly Ember and Panasonic BGH1/BS1H cameras, and adds acceleration limits to Movi Carbon.

  • Improvement: Increases maximum sustained motor torque duration in Maniac Mode.

  • Improvement: ~20% torque increase on Carbon (10A to 12A max current).

  • Improvement: Near Instant recovery after losing control due to extreme motion.

  • Improvement: Adds On-Screen-Display camera control for Panasonic BGH1/BS1H and Freefly Ember cameras. Note: This feature requires AirPixel Entire firmware v1.790.

  • Improvement: Adds playback control for Panasonic BGH1/BS1H cameras. Note: This feature requires AirPixel Entire firmware v1.790.

  • Improvement: Adds Freefly Ember playback control through On-Screen-Display control.

  • Improvement: Carbon tuning improved for BGH1 and BS1H.

  • Change: Changes motor temperature estimation.

  • Change: Camera Image, Camera Playback, and OSD Control menus are available based on camera type selection.

  • Change: A caution was added to warn the operator of the hot motor temperature (due to a stalled motor while in Maniac 2.0 mode).

  • Fix: Read FIZ config on radio connection.

  • Known Issue: There is a known issue with Movi Controller FW v4.4.3 and Movi FW v2.3.5. If you change the "TX Mode" (found under the TX Config menu) from "Normal" to "Mimic" while the MODE switch is in Dual (D) mode, axis motion is not smooth. Only switch "TX Mode" while the Movi Controller is in Majestic or Kill (M/K) modes to work around this issue.

AirPixel Entire firmware v1.790 is required for OSD and playback control of the Panasonic BGH1/BS1H. Instructions for updating the Entire firmware are here.

Panasonic BGH1 v2.5+ or Panasonic BS1H v1.2+ firmware is required to support OSD and playback control via Movi Controller. Instructions for updating your camera firmware are here.


October 2023

This update affects only Movi Carbons.

  • Bugfix: In previous firmware, a mismatch between GCU and ESC caused the motor torque to be limited in some configurations.

  • Bugfix: Fixed double-press record button issue for GH5

  • Bugfix: Fixed issue where sometimes the record start/stop command would be ignored by BS1H/BGH1 cameras

  • Known Issue: When using the Air Commander Entire + BGH1/BS1H camera, record start/stop may be unreliable when running Entire firmware 1.790. We recommend running Entire firmware 1.743 with Movi firmware 2.2.1.


March 2023

The v2.2.0 Software Bundle provides new firmware BGH1/BS1H MōVI Carbons to enable the features below:

  • Improvement: Adds support for setting shutter angle, ISO, and color temperature of the BGH1 and BS1H on MōVI Carbon via the AirPixel Air Commander Entire.


September 2022

The v2.1.0 Software Bundle comes with new MōVI Pro/Carbon firmware v2.1 and updated iOS/Android apps to enable the features below:

  • Improvement: Adds setting to select SL4 battery type. Selecting SL4 uses a SL4 specific state of charge estimation function.


November 2020

v2.0.2 Software Bundle comes with new Mōvi Pro/XL/Carbon firmware v2.0.16 and updated iOS/Android apps to enable features below:

  • Improvement: Stabilization performance is improved under severe vibration conditions

  • Improvement: Stabilization performance is improved for cases where there is a small amount of acceleration (ex: dolly push on a slider)

  • Improvement: Default settings start with "user" preset. This way if user doesn't modify the preset selection, MōVI would behave exactly the same as pre-blackjack firmware

  • Improvement: Default roll and tilt mode in 360 should be free and not snap.

    • Default for 360 off: Tilt locked, roll locked

    • Default for 360 on: Tilt free, roll free (every time 360 roll is toggled on)

  • Improvement: Majestic Screen App UI relayout and include new settings introduced with Blackjack

  • Improvement: Added smooth lock feature back to the timelapse mode to allow manually positioning MōVI by hand

  • Improvement: Dual rocker to control pan and tilt independently for setting up timelapse

  • Improvement: Updated all information texts inside the apps

  • Bugfix: Removed features from the iOS app that were previously removed from the firmware

    • Target mode

    • Max Roll Angle

    • Output Master Filter

    • Shutter type

    • Shaky cam

  • Bugfix: Compass declination is fixed.

  • Bugfix: In the previous build of the iOS app, opening the expert settings screen would result in pan-for-roll coupling symptoms if running firmware v2.0.10 or below.

  • Bugfix: Carbon was not resetting biases on boot, which could cause roll to be off a few degrees after boot. Additionally, GCU firmware v2.0.16 includes other improvements to eliminate potential roll issues for Carbon.

  • Bugfix: On FW v2.0.11 and later, filter settings, such as drift assist mode wasn’t persisting on reboot

  • New: New reset attitude button on iOS App and Movi Controller that will reset the sensors on the Movi Carbon to allow users to mitigate any attitude corruption in the field.


April 2019

  • This release is an app only update ( iOS v2.0.1 and Android v2.0.3)

    • This is a bugfix for “roll goes off when panning” symptom.

    • Root cause was loading a configuration file from the app to MōVI.

    • If you are experiencing this symptom, you should “reset robot settings”. There shouldn’t be any further problems using this app.


December 2018

  • This the major release for Mōvi Pro/Carbon/XL called Blackjack! Read more about it here.


GCU - v1.6.4

  • New Feature: Support for Mōvi Carbon.

  • Internal

  • New Feature: Support for external gyros + accelerometers on Mōvi Carbon.

  • New Feature: Added bias tracking startup ramp for external IMU’s that have warm up periods.

  • Improvement: Updated UI to show when an external gyro + accelerometer is connected on Mōvi XL and Mōvi Carbon.

  • Bugfix: The bias tracker no longer tracks Pan rotations using the accelerometer.


  • v1.6.5

    • Bugfix: Fixes an issue where FIZ position measurements wrap around and can give incorrect readings past their limits. This fix will prevent gimbal from having an incorrect zoom rate scale at zoom limits.

  • v1.6.4

    • New Feature: Support for Mōvi Carbon.

    • New Feature: Added zoom rate scaling feature which slows down camera movement the farther the lens is zoomed in.

    • New Feature: FIZ Autocal on startup for Mōvi Carbon.

MōVI Controller

  • v3.6.0

    • New Feature: Zoom Rate Scaling UI so users can adjust the Zoom Rate

    • New Feature: Default the lens profile on Mōvi Carbon to Fujinon XK 20-120mm.

  • v3.7.2

    • New feature: Mōvi Wheels support & TX Config screen updates

iOS / Android Apps - v1.6.x

  • New Feature: Support for Mōvi Carbon.

Known Issues

  • Timelapse Controls Disappear on Movi Controller

    • Issue: Preview/Start Timelapse options disappear on controller; leaving only the cancel option.

    • Workaround: Setting up timelapses still works through the app.


GCU v1.5.1

  • New Feature: FOG (Fiber Optic Gyro) support for Mōvi XL


  • v1.5.2

    • Bugfix: Mōvi Pro/XL compatibility issues with new version of RED firmware is fixed. Previously, upgrading RED firmware from v6 to v7 have introduced issues such as slow response to camera controls or having issues during camera boot.

    • Bugfix: LANC setup sometimes triggered IMU error on Mōvi

  • v1.5.1

    • Improvement: FIZ motor tuning profile adjustments

    • Bugfix: Camera Type setting on iOS and Android is now persistent on reboot

MIMIC v1.5.1

  • Bugfix: API FIZ commands through MIMIC don't get forwarded to Mōvi with their full range

  • Bugfix: Pressing "clear faults" in FIZ Axis Setup screen would not stop sending "clear faults" command until an all axis auto calibration is done or until MIMIC is reboot.

Mobile Apps v1.5.x

  • New Feature: Majestic Span configurations to achieve whip pan

  • New firmware bundle

Known Issues

  • MIMIC may set range limits unintentionally. Check if you have limits set on FIZ screens in case you run into an issue where you can’t control FIZ.

Last updated

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