Software Release Notes

  • Always check to make sure you're running the newest firmware on your Alta X. Firmware can include bug fixes both big and small as well as new features. Click Here to sign up for notifications about Service Bulletins.

  • Firmware can be downloaded from the support website

  • Update instructions are here


Known Bug: High System Memory Utilization

If multiple MAVLink streams are enabled (such as FRX and WIFI connectivity) simultaneously, there may not be enough free system memory for flight logs to record successfully. See Service Bulletin SB006 for more details.

Known Bug: Unknown Flight Mode Unknown 1:655360

After updating the Alta X's firmware to v1.4.0+, non-Pilot Pro users will notice an "Unknown 1:655360" flight mode in Alta QGC preventing them from arming. This is a bug that can be worked around by swapping off of whatever fight mode you are on and swapping back. We are working to have a more permanent fix for this issue released as quickly as possible.

  • Summary: Remote ID integration

  • Release Date: March 2024

  • Versions in this package:

    • FMU: v1.4.12

    • QGroundControl:

      • v1.3.12 for Pilot Pro Android

      • v1.3.13 for Windows, macOS

      • v1.3.14 for UXV Android

  • Notes

    • New: Remote ID integration

    • Bugfix: QGC Terrain altitude in missions is fixed. Service provider was EOL. Now it uses another service provider.


Known Bug: High System Memory Utilization

If multiple MAVLink streams are enabled (such as FRX and WIFI connectivity) simultaneously, there may not be enough free system memory for flight logs to record successfully. See Service Bulletin SB006 for more details.

  • Summary: Pilot Pro integration

  • Release Date: February 2024

  • Versions in this package:

    • FMU: v1.3.31

    • QGroundControl: v1.3.10 for Pilot Pro Android

  • Notes

    • New: Added momentary button multi-channel flight mode changing feature for Pilot Pro support

    • New: Added "Pending" flight mode, which is present until position mode is available on boot

    • New: Added a command to load default parameters from firmware, rather than using a parameter file.

      • Important note: First you need to first select your controller model. Go to Parameters, then search for SYS_AUTOSTART. Set this to 4510 for Futaba, or 4511 for Pilot Pro. Then clicking on "Tools > Load parameter defaults" will apply the correct defaults.

      • Defaulting parameters have F9P rotation by default. HERE2 needs modification by user.

      • Defaulting parameters require a compass calibration after.


  • Summary: UXV support for Alta X Blue

  • Release Date: March 2023

  • Versions in this package:

    • FMU: v1.3.111

    • QGroundControl: v1.3.9 for UXV Android

  • Notes

    • New: Added momentary button multi-channel flight mode changing feature for UXV support

    • New: Added "Pending" flight mode, which is present until position mode is available on boot

    • New: Added a command to load default parameters from firmware, rather than using a parameter file. In the UXV QGC, go to parameters screen, then click on Tools > Load parameter defaults


Known Bug: High System Memory Utilization

If multiple MAVLink streams are enabled (such as FRX and WIFI connectivity) simultaneously, there may not be enough free system memory for flight logs to record successfully. See Service Bulletin SB006 for more details.

  • Summary: X9 motor support and logging bugfix

  • Release Date: June 2022

  • Versions in this package:

    • FMU: v1.3.22

    • QGroundControl: v1.3.8 (unchanged since previous release)

  • Notes

    • Hotfix: Fixed an issue that prevented logging from behaving as expected. This issue caused logging to cease functioning, particularly during longer flights.

      • After applying this update, logging the issue that prevented logging at times will no longer exist.

    • Features: Adds support for drones shipping with X9 motors.

    • Installation

      • Instructions can be found on our Support page under "Updating Firmware" section.

      • This is the minimum supported version for Alta X with X9 motors.


  • Summary: Hotfix for Improper Mission Throttle Command

  • Release Date: January 2022

  • Versions in this package:

    • FMU: v1.3.19

    • QGroundControl: v1.3.8 (unchanged since previous release)

  • Notes

    • Hotfix: Fixed invalid throttle setpoint error when transitioning from a piloted flight mode to mission mode. See more details in this service bulletin.

      • After applying this update, missions can be safely launched while in flight.

      • Some microSD cards that read/write below minimum specifications may occasionally fail to begin a mission, with the error [mc_pos_control] Auto activation failed with error: Activation Failed. If this occurs, restart the mission. If the issue persists, contact Freefly Support for assistance.

  • Installation

    • Instructions can be found on our Support page under "Updating Firmware" section.


  • Summary: Added support for motor telemetry board to catch motor no start

  • Release Date: March 2021

  • Versions in this package:

    • FMU: v1.3.17

    • QGroundControl: v1.3.8 (unchanged since previous release)

  • Notes

    • Hotfix: Added support for motor telemetry board to catch motor no start. This will prevent arming with specific motor faults that were causing tip over. See more details in this service bulletin.

      • If an ESC fault is triggered, arming is denied, QGC will pop up a message, LEDs fast flash red lights.

      • If a telemetry timeout is detected, arming is denied, QGC will pop up a message.

    • New Feature: Added current consumption to battery data.

      • In QGC, use the Analyze window (Mac/Windows top toolbar > Widgets > Analyze) to look at BATTERY_STATUS.current_battery (unit: centi-amps), and BATTERY_STATUS.current_consumed

    • Improvement: Alta X is smoother as it transitions through waypoints. New default configurations file reduces NAV_ACC_RAD from 10m to 2m.

    • Bugfix: Logging rates were not set properly. Updated telem rates, 20hz for most to match ESC telemetry rate.


  • Summary: F9P RTK GPS Support and Safety Improvements

  • Release Date: March 2020

  • Versions in this package:

    • FMU: v1.3.x

    • QGroundControl: v1.3.x

  • Notes:

    • New Feature: F9P RTK GPS Support

    • New Feature: Optional RC disarm toggle to prevent manual disarm in flight

    • New Feature: Onboard checking of critical parameters

    • Bugfix: LEDs on ALTA X place a significant load on the 5V EXT bus

    • Improvement: Check for RTL switch enable before takeoff, warn if no homepoint

    • Improvement: Don't require reboot when wifi parameters are modified

    • Improvement: Lockout feature to guide people to only use the ALTA with the Freefly version of the QGroundControl


  • Summary: Initial ALTA X release

  • Release Date: September 2019

  • Versions in this package:

    • FMU: v1.2.x

    • QGroundControl: v1.1.x

Last updated