Basic Usage & Exporting
For more specific information continue to individual tool pages for more specific information on Toolbox tools.
The App container consists of two panes. The large pane on the left is for presentation of the loaded clip and for scrubbing along the clip using the scrub slider at the bottom. The timestamp in the bottom left corner indicates the current playing position in the recording time frame.
The right pane contains the controls for the various tools with the active tool being selected from the tab menu on the right border. In addition, transport controls for Play, Stop, Pause and Stepping are available at the bottom of this pane.
Clips are opened from the Main menu (File -> Open) or from the Info tab by pressing Open file.
Some of the tools generate a graphical overlay on the clip (e.g. the Tracking tool object tracking rectangle) which can optionally be included in the export. In addition some tools present a chart overlay for visualising the measurements. The chart graphic overlay cannot be exported but the numerical data underlying the chart can be exported as a CSV file for analysis and plotting in the users application of choice, e.g. Excel.
The Stop button and Pause button have different effects when a tool is active. When the clip is Stopped charts continue to run and the graphical overlays can still be interacted with. When the clip is Paused the charts will freeze and interaction with the graphical overlays is blocked. While Paused the Step buttons can be used to move backward and forward a frame at a time.
The spacebar can also be used to toggle between Play and Pause.
Exporting Videos and CSVs
The clip, including any image processing applied by the tools, may be exported in Prores format for viewing outside the toolbox. In addition any charts that have been opened in any of the tools may have the underlying data exported as a CSV file. The metadata in the original file will not be embedded in the exported clip, however if the metadata has been loaded in the Metadata tab then accompanying CSV files will be generated which contain the parsed IMU data.
To setup for export select the Export tab. Scrub or play to the point where export should begin and press In, then scrub or play to where export should finish and press Out. Note that if the Tracking tool is active then the In time will be set to the point where tracking was initiated and cannot be changed. If overlays such as the Tracking ROI or the Amplify overlay are required to be exported then check the Overlays checkbox.
If no export folder has been selected then press Export folder… and browse to a folder where the clips should be exported. This location will be remembered between program starts.
Press Start to begin export and wait until finished.
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